Parameter | Data type | Description |
ServiceId | Integer | This is the serviceId which is used for authentication. This is provided by Support. |
Username | String | This is the username which is used for authentication. This is provided by Support. |
Password | String | This is the password which is used for authentication. This is provided by Support. |
Source | String | This is the source number from where the message should be sent. Usage allows full international numbers (+46732594084), short numbers (72401) or text (Sergel). |
Destination | String | This is the destination number. |
Userdata | String | This is the message itself. GSM default alphabet encoded messages has no maximum length. Note that Extended GSM characters need 2 bytes for one character.
UserdataHeader | String | This value may be specified when sending concatenated SMS. More information about valid UDH for long SMS may be given by support upon request. |
ReferenceId | String | For premium SMS. Use id of incoming SMS here. |
Tariff | String | For premium SMS. To charge 10 SEK use tariff SEK1000. Set to null or SEK0 for bulk messages. |
Vat | Double | Vat for premium SMS. 0.0 means no Vat, 25.0 a Vat of 25%. |
ChargeOnly | String | Set to true for a silent charging without any SMS sent, otherwise false. |
Async | String | True for asynchronous call, initial status will be Queued (1005) for a successful call. |
Code | Description | Recommended action | |
0 | Unknown error | Retry, if multiple failures occur contact content-support@sergel.com | |
1 | Temporary routing error | Retry | |
2 | Permanent routing error |
| |
3 | Maximum throttling exceeded | Retry | |
100 | Service not found | Contact content-support@sergel.com for login credentials | |
101 | User not found | Contact content-support@sergel.com for login credentials | |
102 | Account not found | Contact content-support@sergel.com for login credentials | |
103 | Invalid password | Contact content-support@sergel.com for login credentials | |
1000 | Sent | Ok submission of SMS to operator. MessageId will now be present in answer. | |
1001 | Delivered |
| |
1002 | Expired |
| |
1003 | Deleted |
| |
1004 | Mobile full |
| |
1005 | Queued | For asynchronous calls, MessageId will be present in answer. | |
1006 | Not delivered |
| |
2000 | Invalid source number |
| |
2001 | Short number is not supported as source |
| |
2002 | Alpha is not supported as source |
| |
2003 | MSISDN is not supported as source number |
| |
2100 | Short number is not supported as destination |
| |
2101 | Alpha is not supported as destination |
| |
2102 | MSISDN is not supported as destination |
| |
2103 | Operation blocked |
| |
2104 | Unknown subscriber |
| |
2105 | Destination blocked |
| |
2106 | Number error |
| |
2200 | Charging error |
| |
2201 | Subscriber has low balance |
| |
3000 | GSM encoding is not supported |
| |
3001 | UCS2 encoding is not supported |
| |
4000 | Delivery report is not supported |
| |
4001 | Invalid message content |
| |
4002 | Invalid tariff |
| |
4003 | Invalid user data |
| |
4004 | Invalid user data header |
| |
4005 | Invalid data coding |
| |
4006 | Invalid VAT |
| |
4007 | Unsupported content for destination |
Anchor | ||||
Default Alphabet
The default GSM alphabet is the alphabet that will be used when specifying DCS 0 (default DCS).
Unicode (hex) | Character |
0040 | @ |
00a3 | £ |
0024 | $ |
00a5 | ¥ |
00e8 | è |
00e9 | é |
00f9 | ù |
00ec | ì |
00f2 | ò |
00c7 | Ç |
000a | <LINE FEED> |
00d8 | Ø |
00f8 | ø |
00c5 | Å |
00e5 | å |
0394 | Δ |
005f | _ |
03a6 | Φ |
0393 | Γ |
039b | Λ |
03a9 | Ω |
03a0 | Π |
03a8 | Ψ |
03a3 | Σ |
0398 | Θ |
039e | Ξ |
00c6 | Æ |
00e6 | æ |
00df | ß |
00c9 | É |
0020 | <SPACE> |
0021 | ! |
0022 | " |
0023 | # |
00a4 | ¤ |
0025 | % |
0026 | & |
0027 | ' |
0028 | ( |
0029 | ) |
002a | * |
002b | + |
002c | , |
002d | - |
002e | . |
002f | / |
0030 | 0 |
0031 | 1 |
0032 | 2 |
0033 | 3 |
0034 | 4 |
0035 | 5 |
0036 | 6 |
0037 | 7 |
0038 | 8 |
0039 | 9 |
003a | : |
003b | ; |
003c | < |
003d | = |
003e | > |
003f | ? |
00a1 | ¡ |
0041 | A |
0042 | B |
0043 | C |
0044 | D |
0045 | E |
0046 | F |
0047 | G |
0048 | H |
0049 | I |
004a | J |
004b | K |
004c | L |
004d | M |
004e | N |
004f | O |
0050 | P |
0051 | Q |
0052 | R |
0053 | S |
0054 | T |
0055 | U |
0056 | V |
0057 | W |
0058 | X |
0059 | Y |
005a | Z |
00c4 | Ä |
00c5 | Å |
00d6 | Ö |
00d1 | Ñ |
00dc | Ü |
00a7 | § |
00bf | ¿ |
0061 | a |
0062 | b |
0063 | c |
0064 | d |
0065 | e |
0066 | f |
0067 | g |
0068 | h |
0069 | i |
006a | j |
006b | k |
006c | l |
006d | m |
006e | n |
006f | o |
0070 | p |
0071 | q |
0072 | r |
0073 | s |
0074 | t |
0075 | u |
0076 | v |
0077 | w |
0078 | x |
0079 | y |
007a | z |
00e4 | ä |
00e5 | å |
00f6 | ö |
00f1 | ñ |
00fc | ü |
00e0 | à |
Anchor | ||||
Extended GSM Characters
Unicode (hex) | Character |
000c | <FORM FEED> |
005e | ^ |
007b | { |
007d | } |
005c | \ |
005b | [ |
007e | ~ |
005d | ] |
007c | | |
20ac | € |